About Me


2024. 09 – present Research Associate (Postdoc)

Bristol Robotics Laboratory

2020. 09 – 2024. 09 PhD

Univerisity of Bristol, Engineering Mathmatics

(Surpervised by Prof. Nathan F. Lepora)

2019. 09 – 2020. 09 MSc

University of Bristol, Msc in Robotics (Distinction)

2015. 09 – 2019. 08 BEng

Wuhan Univeristy of Technology, Vehicle Engineering (Rank 1)

Research Interests

  1. Design, Development and Application of Vision-based Tactile Sesnor
  2. Design and Developemnt of Multi-fingered Robot Hand
  3. The Dexterious Manipulation and Teleopration of Tactile Robot Hand 


  1. Best poster award in Vitac in ICRA 2024,
  2. Best oral presentation award in IEEE ICCSSE.

Papers Published as the First Author or Co-first Author


  1. Tactile Robot Hand with Active Antagonism (In progress)
  2. CrystalTac: A Unified Monolithic 3D Printing Technique for Rapid Manufacturing of Vision-Based Tactile Sensor (submitted to T-RO, under review)
  3. Design and Fabrication of Customizable Grid-Like Vision-Based Tactile Sensors for Robotic Gripper (submitted to T-RO, under review)
  4. Monolithic Manufacturing Technique for a Novel Vision-Based Tactile Sensor: C-Sight (Link) (Sensors, Published)


  1. BioTacTip: A Soft Biomimetic Optical Tactile Sensor for Efficient 3D Contact Localization and 3D Force Estimation (link)(RAL, Q2 Top)
  2. ViTacTip: Design and Verification of a Novel Biomimetic Physical Vision-Tactile Fusion Sensor (ICRA 2024, Accepted)
  3. MagicTip: A Novel High-Resolution 3D Multi-Layer Marker-Based Tactile Sensor (ICRA 2024, Accepted)


  1. H. Li, C. J. Ford, M. Bianchi, M. G. Catalano, E. Psomopoulou and N. F. Lepora, “BRL/Pisa/IIT SoftHand: A Low-Cost, 3D-Printed, Underactuated, Tendon-Driven Hand With Soft and Adaptive Synergies,” in IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, vol. 7, no. 4, pp. 8745-8751, Oct. 2022, doi: 10.1109/LRA.2022.3187876. (Link) (RAL, Q2 Top)


  1. L. Haoran, L. Liangdong, Z. Xiaoyin and S. Mingxuan, “Lithium Battery SOC Estimation Based on Extended Kalman Filtering Algorithm,” 2018 IEEE 4th International Conference on Control Science and Systems Engineering (ICCSSE), Wuhan, China, 2018, pp. 231-235, doi: 10.1109/CCSSE.2018.8724766. (Best Oral Presentation Award, Link)

Papers Published as a Co-Author


  1. DexiGrip: Soft dexterous tactile gripping ( TMECH, Accepted)
  2. AnyRotate: Gravity-Invariant In-Hand Object Rotation with Sim-to-Real Touch (CoRL, accepted)

  3. Design and Benchmarking of A Multi-Modality Sensor for Robotic Manipulation with GAN-Based Cross-Modality Interpretation (T-RO, Under review)
  4. Shear-based Grasp Control for Multi-fingered Underactuated Tactile Robotic Hands (T-RO, Under review)
  5. A Versatile Tactile Gripper for Robot Human-like Grasping and Pinching (T-RO, Under review)


  1. Y. Lin et al., “Bi-Touch: Bimanual Tactile Manipulation With Sim-to-Real Deep Reinforcement Learning,” in IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, vol. 8, no. 9, pp. 5472-5479, Sept. 2023, doi: 10.1109/LRA.2023.3295991. (Link)(RAL, Q2 Top)
  2. Z. Lu et al., “Visual-Tactile Robot Grasping Based on Human Skill Learning From Demonstrations Using a Wearable Parallel Hand Exoskeleton,” in IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, vol. 8, no. 9, pp. 5384-5391, Sept. 2023, doi: 10.1109/LRA.2023.3295296. (Link)(RAL, Q2 Top)
  3. Ford, Christopher J., et al. “Tactile-Driven Gentle Grasping for Human-Robot Collaborative Tasks.” arXiv preprint arXiv:2303.09346 (2023). (Link)( ICRA 2023, Accepted)
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